Monday 7 April 2008


Way late, but here are some pictures from Scotland. We took the train up to Edinburgh which was amazingly only like 5 hours. Fortunate too, because I (J) basically succumbed to a nasty flu bug as we were boarding the train. I spent most of our first couple days in Edinburgh in bed while D went out for the precious few hours of daylight that far north.

One highlight was the Scottish National Storytelling Center, which was awesome. I dragged myself out of bed to go to the first event we went to (and managed to stay quiet ...). The first night was a collection of stories and songs (some in Gaelic) in memory of a late great storyteller who sounded like quite a character. This was no children's story hour as there were a couple raunchy stories, all made even more awesome by Scottish accents and people in kilts. We enjoyed it so much we went twice in the 5 nights we were there.

We also went to Stirling to fill my castle fix. Edinburgh castle is really a fort standing on top of where the medieval castle was before it was thoroughly demolished in one of the many sieges. Stirling was much more legit (no canons).

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